Badge of Faith Screening
Organize your own screening of the film
- Small Audience : For less than 100 people, the price is $100 [wp_cart_button name=”Small Audience Rental” price=”100″ ]
- Large Audience : For more than 100 people, the price is $200 [wp_cart_button name=”Large Audience Rental” price=”200″ ]
- *Note: This is to rent the movie for a screening audience and does not include the physical DVD.
Badge of Faith
DVD version
- Your own copy of the Badge of Faith DVD. One copy for $17.99 [wp_cart_button name=”Get the DVD” price=”17.99″ ]
- When you buy more than 1 copy of the DVD, get a bulk discount. After adding to cart, please make sure you set the quantity accordingly.
- 2 or more DVDs for $15.99 each (You will be refunded if you order only 1.) [wp_cart_button name=”2+ DVDs for 15.99 each. Change quantity to 2 or more” price=”15.99″ ]
- 5 or more DVDs for $12.99 each (You will be refunded if you order only 1.) [wp_cart_button name=”5+ DVDs for 12.99 each. Change quantity to 5 or more” price=”12.99″ ]
- *Note: Shipping is included and available in the United States only. For international orders please contact us.
DVD Bundle
Badge of Faith and Touched by Grace Bundle
- Get a copy of both films and save! [wp_cart_button name=”Bundle of Faith and Touched” price=”22.99″ ]
- *Note : Shipping is included and available in the United States only. For international orders please get in touch.
Touched by Grace Screening
Host your own screening of the film
- [wp_cart_button name=”TOUCHED-BY-GRACE-SCREENING-SMALL” price=”100.00″ ]
- *Note: This is for a screening audience of less than 100 people. For more than 100 people please select the ‘Large Screening’ rental. The Rental Price does not include the physical DVD.
Touched by Grace
DVD version
- [wp_cart_button name=”TOUCHED-BY-GRACE-DVD” price=”9.95″ ]
- *Note: Shipping is included in the price and is available in the United States. International orders are not available at this time.
Touched by Grace Large Screening
For a large audience rental of the film
- [wp_cart_button name=”TOUCHED-BY-GRACE-SCREENING-LARGE” price=”200.00″ ]
- *Note: This is to rent the movie for a screening audience of more than 100 people.
- The Rental Price does not include the physical DVD.